Doesn’t even make sense..!!

Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense that I practice asanas. It doesn’t even make sense that I teach asanas. I will go four days without doing any of these and my identity will fall off.

Then, I am like any other person, eating, sleeping and surviving. Maybe then, I would choose a different path and put on a different cloak of identity.

Who cares really? People fall off, surroundings change, lifestyle shifts. Each and everything is susceptible to change. It doesn’t even make sense to stick to a notion of identity.

What’s original needs to be found out. Find the connection to your heart and soul.

This matter that embodies us/me. Our body.

My body. Sometimes, feels like a cloud. A cloud of feelings. A bird ready to fly. As if it’s trying to reach somewhere unseen. Or maybe, it’s trying to reach the depths of something. This energetic field.

It’s the only truth that is there. What I do, what I say, what I see is so much inferior to what I feel.

And I don’t even know when I started feeling things this way. Is it because of constant practice that peels off layers after layers? Is it because of too much travelling to mountains? Is it because of witnessing deaths after deaths? Is it because of going through multiple loss of relationships that had no solid ground?

Each and everything has just made me love life a lot more… I don’t know if I already loved everything and everyone so much from the start or I do it now?

But I can definitely say I can feel love a lot more nowadays. As if I am closer to it a lot. As if I can hear it.

This soul is such a mysterious element. Or is it my senses which are awakening, which makes me feel things a lot deeper?

Do everyone in their 30s feel this way? Because we have no more worldly curiosity to be answered, do we then go on to be curious about the spiritual realm?

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